Underage Drinking Q+A
The attorneys from the State College criminal defense firm of JD Law have routinely represented Penn State students and friends that are charged with criminal offenses since 2004. Have questions about an Underage Drinking citation, check out our FAQs. If you have additional questions or want a free case review, contact at experienced State College underage drinking lawyer by email or by leaving a message (814) 689-9139.
Charge, Evidence, & Penalty Questions
- How severe is a charge of Underage Drinking and what are the penalties?
- Will I lose my license for an Underage Drinking charge?
- How can I be charged with Underage Drinking when I was not given a breath or blood test?
- How can I be charged with Underage Drinking for holding a beer for someone else? How can I be charge for Underage Drinking if the officer didn’t see me drinking?
- Can I be charged with Underage Drinking if I call for medical help for someone else? Does an immunity law protect me from prosecution?
- How can I be charged with possession of alcohol if the liquid was not tested?