State College DUI Lawyer

A typical DUI case often starts with a traffic stop by the police for something like speeding or swerving, the officer has the driver get out of the vehicle to complete field sobriety tests, the driver is arrested and required to submit to alcohol testing, and the is then released without seeing a judge or receiving any paperwork. With a blood test, the officer often waits 2 to 3 weeks for the test results and then files DUI charges with a the court. Some DUI cases are handled differently, but the vast majority of DUIs are handled in that manner.

People that have been arrested or charged with a PA DUI have a ton of questions – Did the officer have probable cause to arrest me?  Why didn’t the officer Mirandize me?  Are the police going to show up at my house or work to arrest me?  Am I going to jail?  Can I get a limited license? For answers to such questions, check out our PA DUI Question and Answer page.

Mandatory Minimum Sentences for Pennsylvania DUI Convictions

A conviction of DUI in Pennsylvania leads to the imposition mandatory penalties, including hefty fines, jail time, and license suspensions.  Even many first-time offenders face license suspensions and jail time if convicted.

A DUI conviction can also result in collateral consequences or punishments. Everyone knows that a criminal record makes it more difficult to pass background checks and get a job. DUI charges can also lead to consequences for people with professional licenses, like nurses, doctors, lawyers, engineers, and other professionals.  A DUI conviction can even impose a lifetime prohibition on a person’s right to possess a firearm.

First Time Offenders and ARD Eligibility

Many first-time DUI offenders are eligible to participate in a diversionary program called Accelerated Rehabilitative Disposition (ARD).  With ARD, a person pleads not guilty to the charges but agrees to comply with certain conditions and complete certain requirements to obtain a dismissal and expungement of the charges. Whether or not a person is approved for ARD is determined by the district attorney in that county. ARD requirements vary from county to county and may even vary from case to case within a county. General ARD requirements include a period of supervision by the probation department, payment of ARD costs and fees, completion of counseling or treatment programs, DUI classes, and community service.

Experienced and Successful Driving Under the Influence Attorney

If you are charged with DUI in Central Pennsylvania, get a free consultation with the experienced DUI attorney at JD Law in State College. They have been providing criminal defense representation since 2004. A good attorney may be able to seek suppresson of evidence or a not guilty verdict at a trial. If a case cannot be won, the attorney may be able to negotiate a resolution that reduces the severity of the fines, jail time, or license suspensions.  Contact JD Law at (814) 689-9139 or by email for a free case review.

Client Testimonial

“Jason Dunkle was a beacon of hope to me at a time when my options appeared limited and the likelihood of a satisfactory resolution seemed unlikely and impossible. Not only was he able to defend me from an unjust accusation, his calm and empathetic demeanor, as well as quick replies to my worried questions and thoughts offered emotional support and peace of mind to me. Unlike many attorneys, he genuinely cares about his client and their life after being involved with the police, not just his fee. I am eternally grateful for Jason’s service and I recommend him without reservation.”