State College Driving Under Suspension DUI-Related Lawyer
Regrettably, almost every DUI conviction in Pennsylvania results in a suspension of a Pennsylvania license. A person often needs to drive to get to and from work or to and from court-ordered treatment as part of the DUI sentence. People that get caught driving while suspended becuase of a DUI face very severe penalties.

Penalties Driving Under Suspension DUI-Related
The penalty for Driving Under Suspension for a prior DUI is more severe than the initial DUI charge that caused the suspension. A conviction of driving under suspension DUI-related in violation of section 1543(b)(1) carries a mandatory minimum sentence of:
- 1st Offense – summary offense, 60 to 90 days in jail, $500 fine
- 2nd Offense – summary offense, not less than 90 days in jail, $1,000 fine
- 3rd and Subsequent Offenses – 3rd degree misdemeanor, minimum 6 months in jail, $2,500 fine
If a person is Driving Under Suspension DUI-related and had a blood alcohol concentration of at least .02 percent OR has any amount of a Schedule I drug or non-prescribed Schedule II or III controlled substances, then the person is likely to be charged with Driving Underage suspension under 1543(b)(1.1). A conviction of this law carries a mandatory minimum sentence of:
- 1st Offense – summary offense, 90 days in jail, $1,000 fine
- 2nd Offense – 3rd degree misdemeanor, 6 months in jail, $2,500 fine
- 3rd and Subsequent Offenses – 1st degree misdemeanor, 2 years in jail, $5,000 fine
Additional License Suspension
A conviction of Driving Under Suspension results in an additional supsension of driving privileges. The length of the suspension is based upon whether the person’s license or driving privileges were suspended or revoked. If the person’s driving privileges were under suspension at the time of driving, the person receives an additional one-year suspension of driving privileges. If the driving privileges were revoked and not just suspended, then PennDOT will impose a two-year additional suspension for the Driving Under Suspension conviction.
If you are charged with Driving Under Suspension DUI-related, you should contact an experienced defense attorney, such as State College criminal defense lawyer Jason S. Dunkle for a free consultation. Call JD Law office at (814) 689-9139 or contact us via email.