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Suspended Judge Facing Criminal Charges Still Wins Retention Vote

By Jason Dunkle on G+ A judge in Illinois won a retention election despite serving a suspension since March with pending misdemeanor assault charges for pushing a sheriff’s deputy. Similar to sitting judges in Pennsylvania, judges in Illinois that are seeking re-election are not actually opposed by another judicial candidate. Instead, voters  basically choose to… view more

Christmas Grinch Part Two – Thief Steals from Toys for Tots

By Jason Dunkle on G+ A Grinch-like burglar broke into a storage facility in Seattle and stole over $6,000.00 in toys that had been donated to a Toys for Tots program. The local YWCA used a donation of $6,250.00 to purchase approximately 250 toys to give to underprivileged children.  Hopefully the police are able to… view more