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Police Officer Stops for Sex, Not Coffee, With Female ArresteePosted in General on January 12, 2015
By Jason Dunkle on G+ In Albuquerque, it is alleged that a state police officer arrested a woman for outstanding warrants, and, on the way to the prison, he pulled over to have consensual sex with the woman. It is unknown whether the woman hoped thatsex would result in a “get out of jail free”… view more
Right to Vote & Bear Arms – Not a Right for Some Convicted FelonsPosted in General on January 12, 2015
By Jason Dunkle on G+ Today is election day, a day in which many Americans are taking advantage of their constitutional rights and casting a vote for the politician of their choice, or perhaps casting a vote for the lesser of two evils. While most U.S. citizens believe that rights set forth in the U.S…. view more
Seven Time DUI Offender Blames Accident on Elephant in RoadwayPosted in General on January 12, 2015
By Jason Dunkle on G+ According to the Philadelphia Inquirer, a man was arrested and charged with his seventh DUI after being involved in a car accident and striking a guardrail. The investigating officer questioned the man about the accident, and the man claimed that an elephant was crossing the roadway, so the man had… view more
State College Criminal Investigation – One Punch Ban Be Felony Aggravated AssaultPosted in General on January 12, 2015
By Jason Dunkle on G+ According to the Centre Daily Times, a Penn State student was physically assaulted and suffered a skull fracture. It is alleged that the student was only struck one time, but the punch caused the Penn State student to fall and most likely strike his head on the road or sidewalk…. view more
Suspended Judge Facing Criminal Charges Still Wins Retention VotePosted in General on January 12, 2015
By Jason Dunkle on G+ A judge in Illinois won a retention election despite serving a suspension since March with pending misdemeanor assault charges for pushing a sheriff’s deputy. Similar to sitting judges in Pennsylvania, judges in Illinois that are seeking re-election are not actually opposed by another judicial candidate. Instead, voters basically choose to… view more
What Can Happen to Hosts of Parties Where Drinking is Taking Place?Posted in Furnishing Alcohol to Minors,General on January 12, 2015
By Jason Dunkle on G+ At social gatherings, such as the upcoming Thanksgiving Holiday, I am often cornered and asked legal questions by family and friends, such as wills and estate issues, custody disputes, and, if people happen to be drinking at the gathering, discussions often gravitate towards DUI charges and the liability of the… view more
Would a Fake ID With a Cartoon Photo Work in State College?Posted in False Identification,General,Penn State on January 12, 2015
Being a State College criminal defense attorney since 2004, I have represented many Penn State students charged with Possession of a Fake ID. Of course, the quality of the Fake IDs varies from the high quality ones purchased from ID Chief to the low budget ones picked up at Jersey Shore vendors. I recently read an… view more
Christmas Grinch Part Two – Thief Steals from Toys for TotsPosted in General on January 12, 2015
By Jason Dunkle on G+ A Grinch-like burglar broke into a storage facility in Seattle and stole over $6,000.00 in toys that had been donated to a Toys for Tots program. The local YWCA used a donation of $6,250.00 to purchase approximately 250 toys to give to underprivileged children. Hopefully the police are able to… view more
Date Rape Drug-Detecting Cups at Penn State Parties?Posted in General on January 12, 2015
By Jason Dunkle on G+ A Boston company claims to have made a material that changes color when it comes into contact with date rape drugs. The creator is hoping to use the material to create cups, stirrers, and straws that would alert a drinker that someone had slipped a date rape drug into a… view more
Failure To Mirandize In State College Drug Possession CasePosted in Constitutional Rights,General on January 12, 2015
A Centre County judge recently issued an opinion in a State College misdemeanor drug possession case in which the criminal defense lawyer sought suppression of statements made by the defendant because the officer did not advise the defendant of her Miranda warnings. The judge’s decision granted the suppression of some statements, but the judge also felt… view more