Leveon Bell Approved to Participate in ARD for Drug-DUI Charges

In the fall of 2014, star Pittsburgh Steeler running back Leveon Bell was charged with a misdemeanor marijuana possession and various drug-DUI charges. Bell was charged after marijuana was found in a vehicle that had been driven by Bell. Bell admitted to having contributed money to purchase the marijuana and to having smoked some of… view more

Drunk Driving on a Zamboni

Drinking on the job is never a good thing, but it is a bit more obvious when you are in charge of cleaning the ice with a Zamboni machine at a high school hockey game. Similar to a typical DUI case, the police were summoned after people noticed erratic driving of the vehicle. While driving… view more

Elf on the Shelf Charged With DUI

It is my understanding that the Elf on the Shelf may get into some minor trouble from time to time, but such an elf was recently charged with driving under the influence after being found asleep behind the wheel of a running vehicle with its headlights on and music playing. I feel bad for this… view more

Man Arrested for Four DUIs within Thirty-Six Hours

A Rhode Island man may have broken a record by being charged with four separate driving under the influence cases in less than thirty-six hours. The 53-year-old man started the spree after taking a mid-morning Sunday drive, but the drive ended after the man crashed into a SUV that resulted in injuries to two children… view more

Pennsylvania DUI Loophole – Man Sentenced on Four First Offenses at Same Time

A Pennsylvania judge recently sentenced a man on four separate DUI offenses, and all four were considered first offenses.  Had the man been facing first, second, third, and fourth offenses, the sentence that was imposed would have been much more severe.  The number of “prior offenses”  of DUI that a person has within the past… view more