
Back in the News – OJ Simpson Granted Hearing on Appeal

By Jason Dunkle on G+ I read an article today stating that a Clark County District Court Judge agreed to schedule a hearing for OJ Simpson’s pending appeal.  The article advised that OJ is alleging that his criminal defense attorney at trial was ineffective.  Such proceedings are called “collateral appeals.”  A “direct appeal” is the… view more

Penn State Football – Not “Fair Weather” Fans

By Jason Dunkle on G+ Talk about a poor sport! New Orleans Saints football fan David Mancina has filed a class-action suit against the NFL for $5 million, probably sparked by the Saints’ current 1-4 record. Not only has the league suspended the head coach and several players for supporting an alleged pay-to-injure program, the… view more

Centre County District Court Starts Program For Veterans

By Jason Dunkle on G+ Centre County Magisterial District Courts are implementing a pre-trial diversionary or pre-adjudicative disposition program for military veterans that have been charged with summary non-traffic violations such as Public Drunkenness,Disorderly Conduct, Criminal Mischief, and Harassment. The Magisterial Veterans Diversion Court program became official as Centre County President Judge Thomas King Kistler… view more

Truck Driver Asleep at Wheel Causes Accident, Convicted of Homicide

By Jason Dunkle on G+ A tractor and trailer driver faces serious traffic offenses after falling asleep behind the wheel shortly before his truck struck a parked tractor and trailer and killed the driver of the parked truck.  Sadly, this case shows how dangerous drowsy driving can be, and the truck driver now faces a… view more

Man Distracted by Skinny Dipper Has Home Burglarized

By Jason Dunkle on G+ The old adage “if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is” was proven correct again when a man allowed a unknown woman to swim naked in his pool, and while the man was preoccupied with watching his visitor, the woman’s male friend was burglarizing the house. Why… view more

State College Retail Theft Leads to Heroin Possession Charge

By Jason Dunkle on G+ A woman recently was stopped after she allegedly tried to exit from the Benner Pike Wal-Mart without paying for approximately $1,200.00 worth of merchandise. When the police officer arrested the woman for the State College retail theft incident, he conducted a warrantless search incident to arrest, and the search led… view more

State College Vandal Charged with Felony Criminal Trespass

By Jason Dunkle on G+ A 20-year-old man was arrested and charged in a Centre County Court with Pennsylvania felony offenses of Criminal Trespass and Criminal Mischief after allegedly going into an unoccupied State College apartment and vandalizing the place to the extent of causing over $6,000.00 in damage. Both charges were graded as felonies… view more

Program Can Reduce Mandatory Sentences in Pennsylvania Drug Cases

By Jason Dunkle on G+ Like many states, Pennsylvania faces prison overcrowding issues, and the problem is being dealt with in two ways: 1) the construction of additional prisons; and 2) the early release of some non-violent offenders. The Pennsylvania legislature passed the Recidivism Risk Reduction Incentive Act,  commonly referred to as RRRI, to allow… view more