Ex-Judge Disbarred for Failing to Disclose Personal Relationship With ProsecutorPosted in General, Legal Ethics on January 12, 2015
I believe that everyone has heard that judges are to avoid “any appearance of impropriety.” This often means that if the judge has a personal relationship with attorneys, victims, police officers, or witnesses in a case, the judge discloses the relationship to the attorneys and considers recusing or removing him or herself from the case…. view more
Does Philadelphia’s Decriminalization of Marijuana Possession Change State LawPosted in Drug Possession, General on January 12, 2015
I am sure that many people have seen that Philadelphia is in the process of de-criminalizing the possession of less than 30 grams of marijuana for personal use. Decriminalization does not mean that marijuana possession is now completely legal in Philadelphia. Pennsylvania laws that prohibit the possession of marijuana for personal use are still valid… view more
Thin Ice – Burglars of Ice Fishing Shacks Caught After Falling Through IcePosted in Burglary, General on January 12, 2015
Some Wisconsin men made the very bad decision to break into and steal from numerous ice fishing shacks on the frozen Upper St. Croix Lake. Of course, when you are stealing heavy things like a television and an auger, you need to park your getaway vehicle close by to limit the physical strain. The problem… view more
Publically Drunk on Your Own Front PorchPosted in General, Public Drunkenness on January 12, 2015
The Iowa Supreme Court was tasked with considering whether or not a homeowner could be convicted of Public Drunkenness or Public Intoxication when the person was on the front porch of her own residence. According to an online article, the police were summoned to the residence to investigate a domestic incident. Upon arriving, they encountered… view more
Fox Guarding Hen House? Judges Supervise Behavior of JudgesPosted in General on January 12, 2015
By Jason Dunkle on G+ “Justice” Not Always Found in Justice System In my opinion, there are many things that occur in the criminal “justice” system that are not just or fair. For example, I have represented clients that were convicted of Underage Drinking and received a more severe license suspension than someone that was… view more
Ronald McDonald Violated Restraining Order by Entering McDonald’s RestaurantPosted in Domestic Violence - PFA, General on January 12, 2015
By Jason Dunkle on G+ You may have thought that the Hamburglar had a PFA or civil restraining order against Ronald McDonald, but, in this case, the Ronald McDonald was NOT the iconic mascot for the popular fast food restaurant chain. Instead, McDonald was prohibited by a court order from having contact with his estranged… view more
Making Light of a Bad SituationPosted in Criminal Records/Expungement, General on January 12, 2015
By Jason Dunkle on G+ I recently came across an article in which a person truly made light of a bad situation. Josh Sundquist lost a leg due to cancer at the age of 10. After becoming cancer-free at the age of 13, he moved forward with his life in a dramatic way and represented… view more
Stealing a Pet in Pennsylvania – Is It Theft or Kidnapping?Posted in General on January 12, 2015
By Jason Dunkle on G+ I recently read a few articles online that New Mexico police filed criminal charges against a suspected serial dog kidnapper after a dog owner chased the dognapper’s car and observed two kidnapped pit bulls being thrown from the moving vehicle. The suspect was charged with Animal Cruelty, False Imprisonment, and… view more
Pennsylvania’s Rejection of Automobile Exception to Warrant Requirement QuestionedPosted in Constitutional Rights, General on January 12, 2015
By Jason Dunkle on G+ I recently spent a Thursday evening watching taped oral arguments from lawyers before the Pennsylvania Supreme Court on the Pennsylvania Cable Network. In the case of Commonwealth v. Gary, the Court is considering whether or not it should adopt the Federal standard regarding the search of automobiles, generally referred to… view more
Stuffing Bra? Use Tissues, Not Baggies of HeroinPosted in General on January 12, 2015
By Jason Dunkle on G+ Route 80 has a reputation as being a “drug highway,” but I doubt that most police officers would expect to find over 300 packets of heroin in a woman’s bra during a routine traffic stop. The woman was charged with Possession With Intent to Distribute heroin after New Jersey police… view more