Off-Duty Police Officer Arrested for DUI with Kids in CarPosted in General on January 12, 2015
By Jason Dunkle on G+ A nineteen-year veteran police officer was recently charged with a Pennsylvania DUI offense after he was involved in an accident and it was discovered that his blood alcohol concentration was .276%. While the high blood alcohol concentration is alarming, more troubling is the fact that the man had been drinking… view more
Will Legalized Marijuana Create Problems Enforcing Pennsylvania Drug DUI Law?Posted in General on January 12, 2015
By Jason Dunkle on G+ Everyone knows that it is illegal to drive under the influence of alcohol if a person’s blood alcohol level is above the legal limit. With alcohol, a person is “under the influence” or affected by the alcohol as long as it is present in the body. A person can also… view more
Swinging Pool Stick at Police Results in State College Resisting Arrest ChargesPosted in Assault, General on January 12, 2015
By Jason Dunkle on G+ According to the Centre Daily Times, State College Police filed charges of Simple Assault, Resisting Arrest, Disorderly Conduct, and Harassment against a man for allegedly swinging a pool stick at police officers at the Phyrst bar. Had the man attempted to assault the police, he most likely would have been… view more
Another Penn State Underage Drinker Injured After Fall from BalconyPosted in General on January 12, 2015
By Jason Dunkle on G+ A 19-year-old engineering student recently fell sixteen feet from the balcony of a State College Apartment building and suffered a broken leg. The State College Police Department suspects that alcohol was involved, which is not surprising in a college town as alcohol and drugs tend to be involved in the… view more
Reality Star of Amish Mafia Is Victim of Domestic Violence AssaultPosted in Domestic Violence - PFA, General on January 12, 2015
Most people understand that there is little to no reality on reality TV shows, including the show “Amish Mafia” on the Discovery Channel. However, when the actors of such reality shows leave the set, true life does begin. According to online reports, Esther Schmucker, the love interest of the Amish Godfather persona Eli on the… view more
Heading to Court, Leave Illegal Drugs at HomePosted in General on January 12, 2015
First, I need to emphasize that people should not possess anything that is illegal, be it drugs, a fake ID, stolen property, or any other form of contraband. However, if you are going to possess such things, leave them at home when you are heading to court. Most Pennsylvania court facilities require a person to… view more
Pittsburgh Defense Attorney Introduced Drug Paraphernalia Into Evidence at Hearing, Criminal Charges PossiblePosted in Drug Possession, General on January 12, 2015
According to a Pittsburgh Post-Gazette article, a Pittsburgh criminal defense attorney was representing a client charged with drug possession and other offenses at a suppression hearing before an Allegheny County judge, and the lawyer questioned her client’s wife about a small wooden box. The wife admitted that the box was hers, and upon opening the… view more
Pot Breathalyzer Being Developed to Detect Drugged DriversPosted in General on January 12, 2015
A marijuana detecting breathalyzer is in the development phase, and I am sure that law enforcement officers in the U.S. would welcome using such a device during drug-DUI investigations. The creators of the Cannabix Breathalyzer claim that it would allow the police to determine if a person had recently smoked marijuana. Pennsylvania officers often use… view more
Drunk Driving on a ZamboniPosted in DUI, General on January 12, 2015
Drinking on the job is never a good thing, but it is a bit more obvious when you are in charge of cleaning the ice with a Zamboni machine at a high school hockey game. Similar to a typical DUI case, the police were summoned after people noticed erratic driving of the vehicle. While driving… view more
Ohio Judge Imposes Unique Sentences on First Time OffendersPosted in ARD, General on January 12, 2015
After being a criminal defense attorney in State College for almost 11 years, I have seen Pennsylvania judges impose sentences on thousands of people, and those sentences generally include a period of jail time, probation, community service, payment of costs and fines, and completion of counseling. The sentences are relatively uniform, and in many cases,… view more