
Centre County Inmate Escapes from Trustee Program at Prison

By Jason Dunkle on G+ I expect that all of our parents have told us to forgo judging another person until you have walked the proverbial mile in his shoes. I have tried to apply that philosophy in my field as a criminal defense lawyer and do not judge clients. While I try to refrain… view more

Centre County Judges Should Use Creative Sentences to Deter Crime

By Jason Dunkle on G+ As a State College criminal defense lawyer, the majority of my cases are handled by Centre County judges, and many of my clients are Penn State students that have never been in trouble before. In dealing with such clients, I wish that the Centre County criminal cases would be handled… view more

Christmas Grinch Part Two – Thief Steals from Toys for Tots

By Jason Dunkle on G+ A Grinch-like burglar broke into a storage facility in Seattle and stole over $6,000.00 in toys that had been donated to a Toys for Tots program. The local YWCA used a donation of $6,250.00 to purchase approximately 250 toys to give to underprivileged children.  Hopefully the police are able to… view more

Man Drinks $100,000 Worth of Whiskey, Charged With Theft

By Jason Dunkle on G+ In Greensburg, Pennsylvania, a caretaker at a historic mansion was charged with Theft and Receiving Stolen Property after allegedly drinking 52 bottles of Old Farm Pure Rye Whiskey.  The main problem for the man was that the whiskey was not your garden variety Jack Daniels but was instead a whiskey… view more

Off-Duty Police Officer Arrested for DUI with Kids in Car

By Jason Dunkle on G+ A nineteen-year veteran police officer was recently charged with a Pennsylvania DUI offense after he was involved in an accident and it was discovered that his blood alcohol concentration was .276%. While the high blood alcohol   concentration is alarming, more troubling is the fact that the man had been drinking… view more