Will Criminal Charges Be Filed in Fraternity Nude Photo InvestigationPosted in General, Invasion of Privacy on January 12, 2015
The State College Police Department was notified in January of 2015 that members of the Kappa Delta Rho fraternity at Penn State had posted photos of drunk girls in compromising positions on a private Facebook page. A former member of the fraternity brought the matter to the attention of police, most likely to obtain favorable… view more
Pennsylvania’s New Law Legalizing Medical MarijuanaPosted in General, Manufacturing Marijuana on January 12, 2015
We’ve all heard of the fight for medical marijuana going on in many states throughout the country. This battle was won in Pennsylvania this week, but that doesn’t mean it will not be without its challenges. Following years of lobbying, Governor Tom Wolf signed the use of medical marijuana into law. The reason some of… view more