
Pennsylvania Judge Charged For Refusing Charges Against Son

By Jason Dunkle on G+ In another recent example of justice being blind and the law applying to everyone, a Pennsylvania magisterial district judge was charged by the Attorney General with violations of the criminal law that also probably constitute violations of legal ethical rules as well.  The judge is accused of preventing a police… view more

Sisters Charged With DUI After Switching Seats During Traffic Stop

By Jason Dunkle on G+ I have heard that inebriation starts with the first drink of alcohol, and, the more a person drinks, the more suspect the decisions that are made. In a recent Florida case, sisters were subjected to a traffic stop, and, after the vehicle was stopped, the sisters switched places in the car… view more

Deputy Sheriff Busted Selling Drugs from Squad Car While on Duty

As a State College drug defense attorney, I am very familiar with police officers going under cover, buying marijuana from drug dealers, and then charging the dealers with felony offenses of drug delivery and possession with intent to deliver. The deals are done somewhat secretly to avoid detection. A Georgia deputy sheriff chose a different… view more

Drinking and Snowmobiling Results In Deadly Accidents and DUIs

By Jason Dunkle on G+ With the wintry season well underway in Central Pennsylvania, many people enjoy taking a ride on a snowmobile through the snow covered fields, and those joy rides quite often occur after a person has had a few beers or mixed drinks. Some people may not realize it, but they could… view more

What Sentence Does a Twelve Time York County DUI Offender Receive?

A York County judge recently convicted a man of a twelfth offense of a Pennsylvania DUI charge as well as a third offense of Driving Under Suspension DUI-related.  As a DUI defense attorney, I have seen people with 4 to 5 prior DUIs, but 12 was a record for me.  Also, when people have multiple… view more

Pennsylvania Superior Court Holds Drug Free School Zone Mandatory Sentence Unconstitutional

Many of the drug-related mandatory minimum sentences are being challenged across the state and across the country following the Alleyne decision that was issued by the U.S. Supreme Court. The Pennsylvania Superior Court had issued opinions that drug-related mandatory sentencing laws were unconstitutional, but because the court did not expressly rule on the drug-free school… view more