American Girls Arrested In Italy for Vandalizing Roman ColosseumPosted in Criminal Mischief, General on January 12, 2015
When I read the headline, I had to click and read the article because I could not imagine that people would vandalize such a historic site and building. I was wrong. Two American girls, one twenty-one and the other twenty-five years of age, decided to add their own historical element to the Roman Colosseum by… view more
Is Mother To Blame For Allowing Son To Drink, Drive, And Fatally Strike Child?Posted in Furnishing Alcohol to Minors, General on January 12, 2015
In a very sad story, a 20-year-old Allegheny County man was driving under the influence when he struck and killed a 6-year-old girl that had been standing in her driveway. A tragic story all around. A 6-year-old struck down as her life was just getting started. While the young girl is the innocent victim, one… view more
Investigative Detention or Custody – Why Does it Matter?Posted in General on January 12, 2015
By Jason Dunkle on G+ In a prior blog, I discussed interactions between police and citizens, noted the distinction between a mere encounter and an investigative detention, and used typical Penn State Underage Drinking investigations at a Penn State tailgate as examples of both. There is a third type of police-citizen encounter that occurs when… view more
Marijuana Grower Calls Police to Report Theft of Marijuana PlantsPosted in General, Manufacturing Marijuana, Penn State Marijuana Possession on January 12, 2015
By Jason Dunkle on G+ While many people are questioning why a person that was growing marijuana would call the police to report a theft, this case is very different in the marijuana grower was doing so legally in Maine. The 17 marijuana plants that were stolen had a total estimate value of slightly under… view more
State College Marijuana Investigations – Reliance on InformantsPosted in General, Penn State Marijuana Possession on January 12, 2015
By Jason Dunkle on G+ In State College, many felony marijuana delivery and possession with intent to deliver investigations rely heavily upon information being provided from informants. In a recent blog, I discussed how a State College DUI investigation had started based upon information that was provided to the police by a concerned citizen. There… view more
Right to Vote & Bear Arms – Not a Right for Some Convicted FelonsPosted in General on January 12, 2015
By Jason Dunkle on G+ Today is election day, a day in which many Americans are taking advantage of their constitutional rights and casting a vote for the politician of their choice, or perhaps casting a vote for the lesser of two evils. While most U.S. citizens believe that rights set forth in the U.S…. view more
“Finders Keepers, Losers Weepers” – Not So in PennsylvaniaPosted in General on January 12, 2015
By Jason Dunkle on G+ I am sure that most of our parents told us the old adage “finders keepers, losers weepers,” basically telling us to take care of our possessions because if we lost or misplaced them, the finder got to keep them. Many of us understand basic human nature and understand that if… view more
DUI Charges Filed For Driving Motorized Cart in WalmartPosted in General on January 12, 2015
By Jason Dunkle on G+ A Florida man recently decided to take a joyride through a Walmart store on a motorized shopping cart while helping himself to alcohol from the shelves without paying for it. The man was charged with Driving Under the Influence (DUI) and Retail Theft. Grading of Pennsylvania Retail Theft Charges The… view more
Former Pennsylvania Judge Charged With Stealing Cocaine EvidencePosted in General on January 12, 2015
By Jason Dunkle on G+ A former western Pennsylvania judge recently was charged with theft and drug possession by the Pennsylvania State Police after allegedly stealing cocaine that had been submitted by prosecutors in drug cases. In drug possession and drug delivery cases, the prosecuting attorney must bring the drugs to court and present it… view more
Centre County Judge Reviews Miranda Issue in State College Assault CasePosted in General on January 12, 2015
By Jason Dunkle on G+ A Centre County judge recently considered whether or not to suppress statements made by two people to a police officer in a State College assault investigation. The officer responded to the reported fight in the wee hours of the morning in downtown State College, and, after arriving on scene, witnesses… view more