
Would Cardboard Cops Reduce State College Retail Theft Cases?

By Jason Dunkle on G+ I recently read an article that a supermarket in England used a life-sized cardboard cutout of a police officer as a “scarecrow” of sorts to curb retail theft. According to the article, the cutout actually reduced theft incidents by 75%. Not so surprisingly, some practical jokers stole the cutout and… view more

Possible Changes to Pennsylvania Assault Law to Protect Children

By Jason Dunkle on G+ The Pennsylvania legislature is currently considering a proposal to amend the Simple Assault and Aggravated Assault laws to impose stiffer punishments for assault charges against children. The proposed changes were just approved by the Judiciary Committee of the House of Representatives and still must be considered by the entire House…. view more

Limited License for Drug Possession Cases Possibly in Works at Harrisburg

By Jason Dunkle on G+ As a State College criminal defense lawyer, I routinely represent Penn State students, alums, and other Centre County residents and visitors that have been charged with offenses related to drug possession, especially marijuana. What is shocking to most of these people is that a guilty plea or conviction to a… view more