Pizza Delivery Man Arrested For Delivering CocainePosted in General on January 12, 2015
By Jason Dunkle on G+ A New York pizza man chose to supplement his salary by trafficking relatively large quantities of cocaine and is alleged to have sold more than $40,000.00 worth of drugs over the past year. I could better understand if the man was delivering marijuana and food as the purchasers would be… view more
Two DUIs Lead to Death of Pennsylvania Volunteer FiremanPosted in General on January 12, 2015
By Jason Dunkle on G+ A Loganville, Pennsylvania volunteer fireman responded to a DUI-related accident, and, while directing traffic, a second drunk driver drove around the parked emergency vehicle and then struck and killed the fireman. It is very sad that a 45-year-old man lost his life while trying to help others. The criminal justice… view more
Man Involved in Riot Caught After “Liking” Photos on Police Facebook PagePosted in Criminal Mischief, General on January 12, 2015
By Jason Dunkle on G+ Growing up, I might have been around some people that engaged in relatively minor pranks that could have resulted in criminal charges of Disorderly Conduct or Criminal Mischief being filed. I also remember some other people jumping a fence and swimming in a public pool after hours, which would have… view more
Driving Sick Cat to Vet Not a Defense to Driving Under the Influence ChargePosted in General on January 12, 2015
By Jason Dunkle on G+ A Florida man was stopped by police for speeding and swerving across three lanes of traffic. I am sure that the officer went through the normal questions, such as “do you know why I stopped you” and “where are you heading in such a hurry.” The man informed the officer… view more
Police Use Google Earth to Locate Marijuana Grower’s CropPosted in General, Manufacturing Marijuana on January 12, 2015
By Jason Dunkle on G+ An Oregon man was registered to grow medicinal marijuana for five people, which would have permitted him to have approximately 30 mature plants. The man decided to plant and to harvest a few extra plants, and he decided to brag to other people about his large marijuana growing operation. The… view more
Drug Delivery Resulting in Death Charges Possible in State College Balcony Fall Case?Posted in General on January 12, 2015
By Jason Dunkle on G+ A Penn State University Park student recently fell from the balcony of his Penn Towers apartment in downtown State College, and the student died as a result of his injuries sustained from the fall. According to newspaper reports, the State College police entered the apartment after the fatal fall, and… view more
Pennsylvania Prosecutor Ignores Court Order, Judge Suppresses EvidencePosted in General on January 12, 2015
Over my many years as a criminal defense lawyer, I have found that I do not always agree with a judge’s decision; but the law is what the judge says it is, and people must comply with the court orders. The rules also apply to everyone, both normal people and lawyers, both defense lawyers and… view more
Auburn Football Player Charged With Marijuana Possession Days After Attending DARE ProgramPosted in Drug Possession, General on January 12, 2015
For those that don’t know, DARE stands for Drug Abuse Resistance Education and was an anti-drug program created in the 1980’s under the Reagan Administration’s War on Drugs. The program has been taught to elementary and high school students by law enforcement officers since then. You can imagine that the police would seek volunteers from… view more
Steelers Running Back Charged With Drug-DUI Eventhough Not High When DrivingPosted in DUI, General on January 12, 2015
A Pittsburgh area police officer recently stopped a vehicle after smelling marijuana coming from the car. Imagine the officer’s surprise when he discovered that two of the three occupants in the car were Pittsburgh Steelers running backs. I am sure that the officer would have preferred to see the Steelers star players at Heinz Field… view more
Suspect Lists Drug Dealer as Occupation on Arrest ReportPosted in Felony Drug Delivery / Possession with Intent to Deliver, General on January 12, 2015
I do believe that honesty is the best policy, but there are often situations in the criminal process in which it is better for a person to remain silent, or forgo answering questions, instead of being honest. A man was recently stopped in Florida after he allegedly cut off an unmarked police car. The man… view more