Public Drunkenness
Criminal Defense Attorney Charged with Disorderly IntoxicationPosted in Public Drunkenness on March 22, 2024
Alcohol can often lead a Jekyll and Hyde phenomena that causes normally intelligent people to make very poor decisions, and alcohol negatively impacts everyone, including criminal defense attorneys. According to a newspaper report, a Florida criminal defense attorney was recently arrested and charged with Disorderly Intoxication after getting into a drunken argument in public with… view more
Publically Drunk on Your Own Front PorchPosted in General, Public Drunkenness on January 12, 2015
The Iowa Supreme Court was tasked with considering whether or not a homeowner could be convicted of Public Drunkenness or Public Intoxication when the person was on the front porch of her own residence. According to an online article, the police were summoned to the residence to investigate a domestic incident. Upon arriving, they encountered… view more
Pennsylvania College Student Charge With Jogging While DrunkPosted in General, Public Drunkenness on January 12, 2015
As a State College criminal defense attorney, I have heard many fact patterns involving how students at Penn State, Lock Haven, and Juniata have been charged with Underage Drinking and Public Drunkenness. However, I recently read an article in which a DeSales University student was stopped by police after he was drunk jogging along a… view more
Drunk College Student Turn Pumpkin Festival Into RiotPosted in General, Public Drunkenness on January 12, 2015
New Hampshire residents near Keene celebrate an annual pumpkin festival at which attendees try to set a world record of the largest number of carved and lighted jack-o-lanterns in one place. Sounds like it would be a nice family gathering. It just so happens that students from nearby Keene State College also attend. Regrettably, a… view more
Woman Arrested After Using Indecent Weapon – Throwing UnderwearPosted in General, Public Drunkenness on January 12, 2015
A Florida woman did not believe that her verbal assaults were getting the appropriate response from another woman that was walking by on the street, so the Florida woman bumped it up a notch and threw a pair of underwear at the other woman. Police were summoned. Surprise, surprise, alcohol appears to have been involved…. view more
Man Was too Drunk to Get Married, Arrested for Disorderly ConductPosted in General, Public Drunkenness on January 12, 2015
I have heard many stories of a groom getting a bit too drunk at a reception. I have even heard stories of some men having a few drinks to calm their nerves before the actual wedding. An Australian man was recently told by the pastor that the man was too drunk to get married, and… view more
Man Loses Half a Million in Vegas then Sues Claiming Too Drunk to GamblePosted in General, Public Drunkenness on January 12, 2015
A man that lost $500,000.00 while gambling in Las Vegas is trying to use his public intoxication as an excuse and is suing the casino to recover his losses. The man is blaming the casino for giving him free drinks, getting him drunk, and then taking his money. The man is not claiming that the… view more
Man Arrested for Mistaking Female Officer for a StripperPosted in General, Public Drunkenness on January 12, 2015
By Jason Dunkle on G+ A man had been out with friends, had a few too many drinks at a local establishment, got a little rowdy, and, when a female officer responded to the rowdy people, the man mistakenly believed that the officer was a stripper. The man was quoted as saying “[l]ook, here is… view more
Unruly Michigan Fan Resists Police, Gets Pepper Sprayed at Penn State Homecoming GamePosted in General, Public Drunkenness on January 12, 2015
By Jason Dunkle on G+ A story of an unruly Michigan fan at the Penn State-Michigan Homecoming Game has made some national news after police officers from State College and Penn State pepper sprayed and arrested the man. According to reports, the man was causing problems within Beaver Stadium and was asked by stadium personnel… view more
Young, Drunk And Proud Of It – Iowa Student Brags About Drunken RevelryPosted in General, Public Drunkenness on January 12, 2015
By Jason Dunkle on G+ Whether they want to admit it or not, many people have been drunk in public, whether it was at a college bar, party, wedding reception, or other social gathering. The person then feels remorse for the public drunkenness, has to apologize, and wishes that they had a time machine that… view more